works on canvas

Oil on canvas 36 x48 Title : Power of Love

Power of Love

We must break the shackles of ego from this materialistic world and tune into the heart beat of others and our planet mother Earth. Mother Earth was robbed of a life with the idea of dead matters. Bringing awareness to climate catastrophe, chronic diseases, epidemic which is hugely impacting lives of everyone and everything around us, since we all are intertwined, interwoven and interconnected, we have no right to pollute and poison our beautiful planet. We are not masters and owners of this earth; we are her children whom she gives unconditionally. Mother that gave us all suffers by our hands. Harmony with cosmic forces is the way of life. I express my concern for our environment through creating this art work and strongly believe that we as human beings can save our beautiful planet ‘Mother Earth’ if each of us plays our part diligently.

“The time for the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves! Banish the world struggle from your attitude and your vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration. We are the one we are waiting for.”_ Hopi Elder

Oil on Canvas 36X36 Title: Portable Paradise

Portable Paradise

By understanding our mind, body and soul we can deepen our relationship with all and everyone around us and most importantly with our own self. We have a portable paradise that resides in our hearts; this space can be opened anytime and anywhere. What dwells within our soul can be exposed. Soul’s original being is peace, love, happiness and harmony. Interconnection of all lives and developing a loving kind and compassionate relationship with our body, mind and spirit restores the balance. Manifestations of powerful thoughts are the greater gifts of the universe.

“Love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness and knocks on the heart”

Oil on canvas Title: Strength


The language of colors creates harmony, rhythm, tone, texture and beauty on canvas when I am in tuned with the infinite and become God’s instrument. Inspiration is my soul’s reward and it comes from the Divine mind that chooses its own idea and then colors play the symphony and dance.

“Art is your personal diary where you may color your thoughts and emotions on a canvas”

Oil on Canvas 36×48 Title: Silence


Silent life without chaos, actions and reactions seemingly becomes very dull, stale and boring outwardly for humanity. Our soul thrives on tranquility, peace, love and joy but we want to be busy just for the sake of noises. Silently our longing heart’s echo can be heard on the far end of the planet through vibrations. Our thoughts are physical and very much alive, strong and powerful than words. We are all woven together with each other visibly and invisibly. Humanity can never be isolated and shattered.

‘I am a magnet for miracles. Blessings and prosperity of every kind is drawn to me.’

-Mother Gaya

Oil on Canvas Title: Mind-world


We are the victims of our thoughts yet they do not belong to us. The world around us is only beautiful when we are at peace with the world within us; we are the masters of all manifestations.

“A perfect mind reflects everything rejects nothing, it receives everything but keep nothing like a mirror”
